It was nice to get out of the house. I'm not usually a fan of the sea, but I really enjoyed my walk. It's quite depressing going it alone along the sand though, especially on Sunday when all the couples are out. I thought students were meant to be with all their friends enjoying themselves, and there's me being a total loner! Still, I do like my space, so I'm not complaining entirely.
I inevitably got to thinking about relationships when I was walking along. Some couples look totally mismatched - it always makes me laugh when you see that (in a nice way). It's interesting how different people are just attracted to each other, and as an outsider you simply can't see what they like about each other. Probably being shallow!
There was a guy walking with two parents and a little girl. He screamed gay all over. I wasn't attracted to him in any way at all, but I got the distinct impression that he wasn't out. How do we sense someone like us, and yet the people around him seemed to have no idea. Maybe I was wrong about him, but that doesn't really matter. The point is how on earth does so-called 'gaydar' work - it fascinates me. It's like a sixth sense or something!
I actually often quite like people knowing I'm gay, depending on the circumstances of course. It's quite a relief not to have to act, and to be able to look at who I want to. It's quite liberating. I suppose that's why a lot of gay men seem to have a lot of gay friends. Hell, I need some in this place! Roll on the city!
Just wait until you are in the city. It's easy to be out and proud there and have many friends, mixed, straight, gay, bi, curious, whatever - and nobody is particularly bothered. Great blog btw :) !