So, I find myself on blogger; and I'm wondering what on earth I'm doing!
This is certainly an adventure into the unknown. I have to say, it feels quite strange talking to a computer screen. I feel like the proverbial white coat is on its way. Can I really be thinking this is a good idea?
Well, I'm going ahead with it anyway. Actually, I'm looking forward to seeing how this might develop. I'm a gay university student in my final year in England. It's been a turbulent ride - I'll be posting something about that soon - but I'm (hopefully) going to have a real change in my life before the year's out. I'm hoping to move to London at the end of the summer. I hate where I live at present, as you'll be hearing no doubt, and this is record of my thoughts moving up to the transition - and if it goes well, after I've moved as well!
I'm going to be governed by the following themes:
Gay life: city vs. country
Cruising and sexual appetite
Complications of age
Gay friends: unlike any others
Students, and why I don't like them, even though I am one
Being gay and dealing with parents three times your age
So, lots to go off there! I'm not really sure what's going to spin out of this first post. I suppose I just have the urge to say something, and so that's exactly what this is. And to be honest, as an English student, it's kinda nice just to write something that isn't a bloody literature essay!
putting on a show
9 months ago
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